Sunday, September 21, 2008

Enjoying life in our world

Often school and all its work, sports practice and games, and requirements at home all seem to merge together and demand our attention at the same time. Frustration usually results. Tempers flare. We are happy with ourselves or anyone else.

Times like those keep us from seeing the forests for the trees. When things get too frustrating, take a few minutes and enjoy the wonderful world God has made. When I do this, I realize how minor my frustrations are in comparison to the grandeur of the universe.

Look at some of the links in the sidebar under "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God." The Astronomy Sight of the Day is always fascinating. Once at that site, you can click on the archives and find lots of interesting pictures of our universe.

The World Sunlight Map is a current picture of how sunlight is distributed throughout the world. It is current. If you check back an hour or so later, you will see how the sunlight has moved.

The Moon Phase link is to the current phase of the moon. The moon is always interesting to me.

A new link, Night Lights on Earth, shows the lights on Earth from space.

The more we know about and see this wonderful world, the more we will appreciate this creation and the more gratitude we owe to the Creator God.

Also, notice the new text in the sidebar, Children's Beatitudes. Recently, I heard a minister from Barbados share this during his sermon. I remembered enough of it to find the entire text online later. It seems that these thoughtful statements originated in Zimbabwe. Good thoughts to ponder.

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