Wednesday, November 25, 2009

IRA Biographical Interpretation

IRA = Individual Reading Assignment

This assignment was a biography. After reading the book, the student had to make a lapbook of the person's life and then present the lapbook to the class dressed in character of the person.

Here are some lapbooks (front and inside) and some students dressed in character.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


So that you don't get lost in your travels to the links below, keep this page open when you go to the links by
right clicking on the bold-faced link. In the little box that opens, left click on Open in New Tab.

Here are some lapbook links that will help you get some ideas for your own lapbook.

Read about what lapbooks are and how to make them at this link. This page is full of other specific links.

Planning a lapbook is like writing an outline. First you must decide on the topic. Then you break that topic down into different main topics, each with subtopics and points. This link will help you understand how to plan a lapbook.

A nice overview of lapbooks is found here. It is a pdf and takes a minute to load; be patient!

Don't try to plan your entire lapbook at first. The best thing is to start making several mini-books and store them in a ziplock bag. Keep them until you have several, and then you can begin to build your lapbook.

Pictures and descriptions of minibooks

Another link for pictures of minibooks These use scraps from leftover wallpaper books.

YouTube videos on how to make lapbooks

Monday, November 9, 2009