Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lay vs. lie

Learn the principal parts for the verbs "to lay" and "to lie."

Memorize them!

Write them at the top of every homework paper and every test.

Remember the principal parts: ________, ________, ________.
The first blank is the present. Think: Today, I _____.
The second blank is the past. Think: Yesterday, I _____.
The third blank is the present participle. Think: I have _____ before.

Lay means to put or place something.
The principal parts are lay--laid--laid.
Think: Today, I lay the book down. Yesterday, I laid the book down. I have laid the book down before.

Lie means to rest or recline.
The prinicpal parts are lie--lay--lain.
Think: Today, I lie down for a nap. Yesterday, I lay down for a nap. I have lain down for a nap before.

For practice, and we all need to practice these (even Mrs. Dye), go to these online quiz links.
If you want, open them in a new tab (press Ctrl-T and choose "open in new tab"). That way you can take the quiz and post your grade in a comment on this blog. (You do not need to register; choose "anonymous" and leave your name within the comment.) The comments will not show up until I enable them to, so I am the only one who sees your score.)

Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4
Quiz 5
Quiz 6


sampleletters said...

Really very good quiz links. Thanks.
Sample Letters

Anonymous said...

Thanks,Now i know the difference between lay and lie when using a verb.Thanks for sharing it to us.

formal letter